Kevin Kirby for Elmhurst Ward 2 Alderman

Let’s Build a Better Elmhurst Together

Official Announcement

I’m excited to officially announce that I am running to be an alderman for Ward 2.

Elmhurst is a place that is incredibly special to me and my family and I would be honored to serve my neighbors and the community

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the chance to spend time with a number of those very neighbors and have heard directly from them where we can be better.

For starters, we need to improve two-way communication between the community and our local officials.

Whether you have lived in Elmhurst for two months or two decades, you deserve to have your voice heard.

There is a lot of concern about major expenses in the city’s future, and I am right there with you.

The current proposals on the table to pay for these needed city improvements lack creativity and ultimately are going to lead to the burden being passed on to each homeowner.

Throughout my business career, I’ve been focused on new revenue generation. I’d love to put that experience to work in bringing in new revenue sources to allow Elmhurst to fund itself and ensuring we aren’t always asking for more and more and more money from our residents.

I know everyone is exhausted as we just finished an election cycle that felt like it was constantly pulling us apart from one another.

My commitment to you is that my campaign will always focus on what we can achieve together and how we can make Elmhurst the best city possible.

If I haven’t knocked on your door yet, I’m sure I will between now and April.

I look forward to meeting you and please keep your feedback and great ideas coming.


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Where is Ward 2?

Ward 2 stretches as far as York to the East and 83 to the West. Find your house on the map.

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